Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Online Gaming Survey

Survey underway to assess Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG)
Study includes examining internet safety within MMORPG’s

A new survey exploring the gaming habits of those who identify themselves as Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) players is designed to determine the differences, if any, of internet usage between those who play online games and those who do not. Unlike any academic survey before, this survey is particularly focused on those who play MMORPG’s.

According to a recent survey, one in four internet users play online games, with the average online gamer visiting game sites nine (9) times a month.* However, that survey does not distinguish between those who play online board or card games and those who play MMORPG’s. Nor does it explore internet safety issues that arise during games. This new survey designed by internet safety consultants, Anita Smallin and Robert L. Lewis. Jr., focuses on the internet habits of those who participate in MMORPG’s.

There are several consulting teams and web sites that focus on internet safety. However, according to Robert Lewis there is very little information concerning safety within games on the internet. According to the information that is released with these reports, it does not seem that online gaming sites, MMORPG’s or otherwise, are being examined by those writing these reports.

“We are inviting anyone who uses the internet to plays games to participate in the survey.” Robert Lewis continues, “It does not matter if you play tradition board games online or MMORPG’s, everyone who plays games online are invited to participate in the survey. The more people who take the survey, the stronger the evidence to report outcomes.”

The link to the survey can be found in the Moose Tracks on he left-hand side of the blog screen. survey.

Once the data is compiled, information will be posted here.

For more information contact us.

*Source: comScore World Metrix: July 10, 2007

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